Weightlifting Day 1


Our 6-week Weightlifting course will begin on Tuesday, April 19th. Please discuss with a coach class times and membership options during that time if you’re interested! Sign-up now! $120 for all 6 weeks.

CFPC – CFPC Weightlifting


Warm-up (No Measure)

*Mobilility work prior to class* (prepare for squats and shoulder mob.)

Snatch Barbell Warm-up

5 Down and finish (low hang to triple extension)

5 Elbows high and outside

5 Muscle snatch

5 Snatch balance

5 Overhead squat

5 Hang squat snatch


If you maxed your snatch and clean and jerk last week, work to a max power lift of both movements today.

A1: Snatch (15 min to work to a heavy single)

B1: Power Snatch (15 min to work to a heavy single)

A2: Clean and Jerk (15 min to work to a heavy single)

B2: Power Clean and Jerk (15 min to work to a heavy single)

Perform a clean received above parallel and execute a power jerk to overhead.

3: Front Squat

Either a) work to a heavy single in 12 minutes, or b) perform 3 reps AHAP every 2 minutes for 5 sets, depending on whether or not you attending yesterday’s CrossFit class

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