CrossFit 8.3.17

CFPC – CrossFit


Everything Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds of 10 reps of:

Russian baby-makers (5 per round)

Overhead Squat with PVC

Sit-ups or GHD Sit-ups

Back-extensions or Supermans

Pull-ups or Ring rows

Hand Release Push-ups
Discuss wall walk mechanics and range of motion. (Tight midline!)

Discuss execution of the TGU. Control is key!

8 min to Warm-up thrusters and practice TGU


Metcon (Time)

6 Rounds:

2 Wall walks

4 Turkish Get-ups (53/35#)

12 Thrusters (115/75#)

RX wallwalks- Nose to the wall and walk back down to push-up position

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