CrossFit 7.2.15

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

5 Gym down and backs

5 Inch worms (3 Push-ups)


3 Rounds

5 Medball squat cleans

10 Wallballs

5 Squat jumps

Medball cleans-

1) Reach full triple exension (hips, knees, ankles)

2) SHRUG (keep the ball CLOSE)

3) Pull your body under the ball


Perform 10 PC/HSC with empty barbell to complete the warm-up


1 set every :45 sec for 7:30

1 Power Clean+

1 Hang squat Clean

Begin at 70% 1RM PC and build to heaviest set with near perfect form.

Intermediate athletes- perform

1 Hang power clean+

1 Power clean+1 Front squat

A1: Power Clean

A2: Hang Clean


Metcon (Time)


Power clean (135/95#)

Front squat

Push press

*12 min CAP

Scale weight to no more than 60% max push press

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