CrossFit 6.28.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Lift/Squat/Jump (No Measure)

A) High knees 2x

B) Butt kicks 2x

A) Spiderman Lunge

B) Broad Jumps

Leg swings (10 each direction)

Accumulate 40 heavy Russian Swings

20 Sit-ups


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 min AMRAP

5 Clean and jerk (65% 1RM)

10 Pull-ups

15 Box jumps

2 min Rest

5 min AMRAP

5 Clean and jerk (65% 1RM)

10 Pull-ups

15 Box jumps

Rest 3 min

7 min AMRAP

5 Clean and jerk (65% 1RM)

10 Pull-ups

15 Box jumps

Optional Chest-to-bar pull-ups if pull-ups are “easier” for you.

Scale Pull-ups with bands as strict, or ring rows.

Core Work

Metcon (Time)

Partner up:

Round 1;

Partner 1- complete 40 Sit-ups

Partner 2- Hold a straight arm plank


Round 2;

Partner 1- complete 20 V-ups

Partner 2- Hollow hold


Round 3;

Partner 1- complete 50 Bicycles

Partner 2- Superman hold


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