CrossFit 6.23.17

CFPC – CrossFit


Down and Backs 3.0 (No Measure)

1a) Lunge stretch

1b) 5 inch-worms, 3 push-ups

2a) High knees

2b) Butt kicks

3a) High kick+toe touch

3b) High skips

4a) Pivot squats

4b) HS walk 25’+ or Bear crawl 50′

5) Lateral jumps, each side

6a) Spiderman lunge

6b) Burpee broad jumps
Front rack mobility:

Banded lat stretch :60 sec/side

Archer stretch :45 sec/side

Front rack stretch :45 sec/side

:30-45 sec handstand hold

Discuss METCON and scaling to meet goals of test- SPRINT!


Lynchpin Test 4 (Time)

2 Rounds:

18 Calorie Row

15 Thrusters (95/65#)

12 Chest to bar

9 min CAP

*Modify to standard pull-ups, or toes/heels on box strict pull-ups
9 min CAP

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