CrossFit 6.22.15

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

2 Rounds:

5 Barbell Press and Reach back

5 Barbell Front Squat (22X1 tempo)

10 Burpees

25 Single unders


Front rack mobility-

Shoulder stretch on box, :90 sec

Banded front rack stretch, :90 sec/side

Pigeon, :90 sec/side


Front Squat (6 sets, 1 every :90 sec- 3 reps, 75%+ 1RM)


Metcon (Time)

8 Rounds:

20 Double unders (50 singles)

10 Wallballs (20/14#)

5 Burpees

*18 min CAP

Scale wallball weight if you are unable to hit the proper height on all your reps.

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