CrossFit 6.1.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds:

12 Box step-ups

12 Rear lunges

5 Barbell shoulder press+5 Push press

10 Squat jumps

Banded front rack stretch-:90 sec per arm

Pigeon stretch- 2 min per leg


Metcon (Weight)

10 min AMRAP

15 Box jump overs (24/20″)

10 Shoulder to Overhead

Score= total weight moved in the amrap (i.e.- S2O reps x weight used)

Core Work

Metcon (No Measure)

4 Rounds:

20 weighted Sit-ups or 15 GHD

:45 sec Side plank/side

:30-60 sec Bar hang (engage core)

10 Banded goodmornings

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