CrossFit 4.11.17


April Events:
4/15- “Supplement Stew”, nutrition talk with Dabney at CFPC following the Community WOD. $25 for the seminar, discussing what supplements are useful and what to avoid, price also includes 25% off any nutritional/Dietician services with Engage Your Wellness.

4/22- Gathering @ Wade’s Ranch. Check email for detail, all day event. Come and go as you please. Limited childcare available.

4/29- Community WOD @ The Trailhead. Join us at the Trailhead on the Trinity River for an outdoor Community workout *******9:00am START TIME*******

CFPC – CrossFit


Down and Backs 2.0 (No Measure)

400m Run


1a) Lunge stretch

1b) 5 Inch Worms- 3 push-ups

2) Burpee broad jump (down & back)

3a) Spiderman lunge

3b) Pivot Squats

4a) High kick + Toe touch

4b) High skips

5a) Bear crawl

5b) Crab walk
10 Legs swings each direction

3 sets:

12 Heavy Russian swings

8-10 Ring Rows

6 Barbell Good mornings


Helen (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups

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