CrossFit 3.2.17

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Just like last week, you will have two options for today’s class. 1) If you are not signed up for the Open, or do not plan to perform it you can complete the workout today or ROMWOD for some recovery stretching, 2) If you plan to complete 17.2 tomorrow I would highly recommend attending today and performing ROMWOD for class to help prepare for whatever is in store tomorrow.

If you are completing ROMWOD no warm-up is necessary.


3 min Row, 70%+ effort

:45 sec forward arm circles, small and large

: 45 sec backward arm circles, small and large

10 PVC Pass throughs

10 Full ROM Push-ups, modify with bar across rack

10 Close grip kipp swings

5 Slow Ring rows

10 Bird dogs

5 Slow Ring rows

10 Banded face pulls

5 Slow ring rows


Weighted Pull-ups (5 sets of 3 AHAP, rest 2 min between sets)

Scale to non-weighted strict pull-ups, negatives (3-5 sec per rep) or slow and challenging sets of 6 ring rows


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

14 min AMRAP ladder

12 Calorie Row

6 Bench Press

16 Calorie Row

8 Bench Press

20 Calorie Row

10 Bench Press

24 Calorie Row

12 Bench Press


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