CrossFit 2.20.17

CFPC – CrossFit


Down and Backs 3.0 (No Measure)

1a) Lunge stretch

1b) 5 inch-worms, 3 push-ups

2a) High knees

2b) Butt kicks

3a) High kick+toe touch

3b) High skips

4a) Pivot squats

4b) HS walk 25’+ or Bear crawl 50′

5) Lateral jumps, each side

6a) Spiderman lunge

6b) Burpee broad jumps
3 Jefferson curls

2 min Seated forward fold (legs spread, reach forward and hold stretch)

1:30 banded Pigeon stretch per leg


Perform 4 sets of Back Squat working up in weight from 65% to as heavy as possible, completing at least 8 reps and up to 10 reps each set. If you complete 10, increase in weight, if you cannot complete at least 8, reduce weight.

Next, complete 5 sets of 4-6 reps of Seated shoulder press, with a barbell. Aim to achieve up to 6 reps, but at least 4 reps per set.

A) Back squat: 4 x 8-10 reps, 1 set every 3 minutes

B) Seated Strict Press (barbell): 5 x 4-6 reps, 1 set every 2:30 min

(Standard barbell shoulder press from the front rack, seated on a bench)

A: Back Squat (4 x 8-10 reps)

B: Seated Strict Press (unsupported) (5 x 4-6 reps)

sit on a bench without back support

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