CrossFit 2.17.16

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

2 Rounds:

5 PVC Pass through+toe touch

10 Rear lunges, alternating

10 Ring Rows

15 Push-ups

20 Calorie row

25 Air squats


Spend 20 min working on Muscle-ups:

a) Ring rows+Assisted dips and transitions

b) Assisted transitions+Ring dips

c) Kipp swing practice+Peek-throughs

and Jumping muscle-ups

d) Muscle-ups, practice linking multiples

Muscle-ups (Record largest set if applicable)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

12 min AMRAP

60 Double unders

20 Pistols, alternating

20 Pull-ups

*Scale Pull-ups with bands, strict

*Scale pistols with ring assistance or band across the squat rack to assist out of squat. Also holding a small weight.

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