CrossFit 12.18.15

CFPC – CrossFit

Weekend Homework: GO SEE STAR WARS EPISODE VII !!!
Alternatively, do 1,000 Burpees. You choose… may the force be with you!


Warm-up (No Measure)

50 Jumping jacks

40 Double unders, or attempts

30 Squat jumps

20 Lunge steps

10 Burpees


Back Squat

3 reps every 2 min for 10 min

53X1 Tempo Squats: 5 sec down, 3 sec hold, drive up from bottom, 1 breath at top

Perform as heavy as possible but TEMPO is priority


CrossFit Games Open 12.1 (AMRAP – Reps)

7-Minute AMRAP of:

Burpees to a 6″ target

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