CrossFit 12.17.16

CFPC – Community Workout


Down and Backs 3.0 (No Measure)

1a) Lunge stretch

1b) 5 inch-worms, 3 push-ups

2a) High knees

2b) Butt kicks

3a) High kick+toe touch

3b) High skips

4a) Pivot squats

4b) HS walk 25’+ or Bear crawl 50′

5) Lateral jumps, each side

6a) Spiderman lunge

6b) Burpee broad jumps


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

In 25 min complete all the reps of as many movements as possible:

300 Double unders or 500 Singles

150 Air squats

120 Kettlebell swings

120 Wallballs

100 Push-ups

80 Step-ups hugging slamball

80 Front squat (up to 95#)

80 Power clean (up to 95#)

80 Sumo deadlift high pull (up to 95#)

80 Burpees

60 Handstand push-ups

20 Tire Flips

Teams work in pairs and can be working simultaneously and on separate movements. There is no designated sequence, you can begin and proceed in any order. Your score is how many movements you complete entirely. One barbell, kettlebell, box and medicine ball per team- if you need to change weights then return your piece equipment and trade it out for a new one.

Scoring: each movement completed= 1 round

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