CrossFit 11.9.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

400m Jog


3 rounds:

10 Goblet squats

10 Barbell push press

10 Close grip kipp swings

5 Russian baby-makers

10 Banded face pulls

:30 sec handstand hold, can be against the wall or accumulated free-standing


Band front rack stretch :90 sec/arm


7 sets of 2 Pause front squats.

Stop completely in the bottom of the squat before driving out and finishing the rep. Rest 2 entire minutes between each set.

Paused Front Squat (7 x 2, pause in the bottom, 2 min btwn sets)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

9 min AMRAP

6 Push press (185/115#)

2 Rope climbs

Push press is intended to be heavy. ~65%. Scale Rope climbs with 10 Jumping chest to bar, or 4 Pull to stands on the rope.

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