CrossFit 10.26.15


Gymnastics Seminar Saturday, (10/31) 5 hours of skills and progressions to help you succeed with pull-ups, handstand push-ups, muscle-ups, pistols etc. Sign-up now before its too late!

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

250m Row

10 Burpees

10 KB Sumo deadlift high-pulls

10 PVC Pass throughs

10 PVC Overhead squats

10 Ring rows

10 Perfect Air squats w/ 2 sec pause

10 Burpees

250m Row


1 set every :90 sec for 12 min

High Hang clean (squat)+

Hang Clean (squat)

Intermediate/Advanced: Perform sets with proper form and as heavy as possible w/o losing position.


Hang Power clean+ front squat = 1

3 reps per round

Keep weight light and work on form

High-Hang Clean (From mid-thigh)

Hang Clean (From below knee)


With a continuous clock, perform as many reps as possible for each segment. Record reps completed on each individual piece. 6 scores total.

Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:

1 minute of Box Jumps (medium/high)

1 minute of SDHP (moderate weight)

2 minutes of Box Jumps

2 minutes of SDHP

3 minutes of Box Jumps

3 minutes of SDHP

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